January 17, 2014

Yale students made a better version of their course catalogue. Then Yale shut it down.

January 16, 2014

Do what you love, love what you do: An omnipresent mantra that’s bad for work and workers.

This Is Yet Another in the 56-Month Straight Series of Disappointing and Awful Bureau of Labor Statistics Household Employment Surveys.

Poverty in the Ivory Tower.

Let’s Be Real: Online Harassment Isn’t ‘Virtual’ For Women.

Influenza still kills.

gedit has a new face. And now they’ve ruined my favorite text editor.

Old trees keep growing fast.

On Not Holding Our Models Sacred: Some Feminist Theories And Their Flaws.

Snow Fleas.

Hannibal Lecter and the subversion of the Male Gaze.

January 15, 2014

I Don’t Care if You Call Yourself a Feminist.

Scientist: Cats think you are just a big, stupid cat.

What Happens When You Freeze Water in a Container So Strong the Water Can’t Expand Into Ice?

January 14, 2014

Why the Wealthy Favor Harsh Punishment — for Criminals and Errant Schoolchildren.

PowerBook Duo Dock. I’d forgotten that awesome old piece of tech.

January 13, 2014

How QuarkXPress became a mere afterthought in publishing.

The problem of resistance to the oligarchy.

Energy-hungry suburbs eat up urban savings.

It looks like Microsoft has finally been hit by the clue bat.

January 12, 2014

The World’s Best Bounty Hunter Is 4-Foot-11. Here’s How She Hunts.

The Secretive Spotted Skunk.

Every Single Conversation re. Gender and YA Ever.

January 11, 2014

Likable versus unlikable women.

Acid rain and ozone depletion helped make the Great Dying great.

The New Financial Scam Driving Workers Deep Into Debt: Workplace Loans.

First confirmed record of a freshwater fish preying on birds in flight.

Robins Can See Magnetic Fields, But Only In One Eye.

January 10, 2014

The six biggest Wall Street banks made $415 billion in 2013.

2013 ends with weakest job growth in years.

Tech’s culture war just hit rock bottom.

One problem with geoengineering: Once you start, you can’t really stop.

Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant’s Speech.

Your Gmail Is About To Get Even Less Private.

▶ Steve MacDonald lifts 500 + lbs stone.

With Great Computing Power Comes Great Surveillance. One thing Vernor Vinge got very, very right.

January 9, 2014

Republicans Are Being Taught How To Look Compassionate While Denying Benefits To The Long-Term Unemployed.

‘It’s Not Too Late To Reverse The Alarming Trend Of Climate Change,’ Scientists Who Know It’s Too Late Announce.

The most beautiful website, according to contemporary Web design, would be a completely blank page.

The Open-Office Trap.

The Rise and Rise of Television Torture.

Childhood amnesia kicks in around age 7.

Principal fired for not shaming free lunch kids with hand stamps.

January 8, 2014

The Biggest Myths in Economics.

xkcd: Photos.

Not Cool: MPAA Joins The W3C.

The Town Where Americans Still Write Checks, and Other Notes on Rural Economics.

January 7, 2014

The Left After the Failure of Obamacare.

Ancient coastline crumbles into the sea as storms continue.

A court just gutted your right to sue your boss.

Find out if your router is listening on backdoor port 32764.

Why Some Civil War Soldiers Glowed in the Dark.

High-end CNC machines can’t be moved without manufacturers’ permission.

Engrossingly Gross Photos of Spiders and Insects Eating Each Other.

We like to think we’re better than being homeless; sometimes we find out the hard way that we’re not.

The Next Civil Rights Issue: Why Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet.

January 6, 2014

Rentacops on desktops: Edward Snowden’s dismissal of Surveillance Valley is wrong, and dangerous.

Corporations lead taxpayers to the shearing.

Fun fact of the day: between 1979 and 2007, economic inequality rose more quickly including taxes and transfers than excluding them.

Headhunters Can’t Tell Anything From Facebook Profiles.

January 5, 2014

David Brooks: Been There. Done That.

Manic Pixie Dream Dissidents: How the World Misunderstands Pussy Riot.

A Year in Review: The Top 10 Most Racist/Privileged Things White Feminists Did in 2013.

‘Welcome’ to the Sharing Economy — Also Known as the Collapse of the American Dream.


Cynical Fantasies.

Rethinking Sleep.

Canadian libricide: Tories torch and dump centuries of priceless, irreplaceable environmental archives.

In Defense of Beyoncé: Why the Challenger Disaster Belongs in a Love Song.

In No Regrets, women writers talk about what it was like to read literature’s “midcentury misogynists.”

January 4, 2014

Too Poor To Protest: How Income Inequality Silences Your Voice.

Blame Obama Not Brooks for Drug War Problem.

Animal-Rights Activists Bully Dying Italian Girl. Even though I agree with some of their goals, animal rights activist are some of the stupidest fuckers I have ever met in person.

The Post-Academic’s Guide to Academic Professionalism.

Filthy Lucre.

Social Darwinism and class essentialism: The rich think they are superior.

Meet Educational Credit Management Corporation, the arm-breakers of the student debt racket.

January 3, 2014

Human evolution, from tree to braid.

36 Signs The Media Is Lying To You About How Radiation From Fukushima Is Affecting The West Coast.

How Scarcity Trap Affects Our Thinking, Behavior.

A Speck in the Sea.

January 2, 2014

Under Amazon’s CIA Clouud.

It’s the Suburbs, Not the Kids.


Now that the individual mandate is officially here, let me begin with an admission: Obamacare is awful.

Moon and Andromeda: Relative size in the sky.

Carmakers and “male” crash-test dummies.

Backdoor found in Linksys, Netgear Routers.

Henryk Siemiradski (Polish, 1843-1902), The New Bracelet, 1883, Private Collection.

January 1, 2014

Temagami Magnetic Anomaly.

Putting Time In Perspective.


A History of the Chocolate-Chip Cookie.

Scientists Find 7,300-Mile Mercury Contamination ‘Bullseye’ Around Canadian Tar Sands.

An Unlikely Star of the Holiday-Shipping Season: The U.S. Postal Service.

Pacific Leaping Blenny: Study Sheds More Light on Life of Legless, Land-Dwelling Fish.

US Falling Behind in Broadband Service (but Leading the World in Broadband Profits).