November 30, 2015

Renting is Throwing Money Away … Right?

Grizzly Bears, Dreaming and the Frontier of Wonder.

5 Charts That Show How the Middle Class Is Disappearing.

Can Two Planets Share The Same Orbit?

Paris climate conference called ‘radically new,’ but here’s the reality check.

Why It Matters That The Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Has Been Accused Of Domestic Violence.

Anti-Abortion Terrorism Must Be Stopped.

Global warming cannot be dealt with using today’s tools and mindsets. So create some new ones.

Yahoo!/Mic ‘accidentally publishes review of Rihanna’s new album Anti before they’ve even heard it.’ Standard music industry practice, btw.

November 29, 2015

How Your Embryo Knew What To Do. The forgotten story of the woman who discovered how animals get their shape.


People Who Use Standing Desks Sit More at Home, Study Finds.

Alzheimer’s: newly identified molecular mechanism could lead to treatment.

Variety Is Shallow.

Earth’s first ecosystems were more complex than previously thought, study finds

We are the terrorists in the Middle East, and our compliant media will never tell the truth.

The thing about forcing people to have college degrees is that it is supposed to make them better workers. But it really doesn’t. If you got a proper college education, it should make you a worse worker.

How America Bought and Sold Racism, and Why it Still Matters.

Dad, a retired airplane mechanic, will take another crack at offering me advice about my business, which is writing. Mind you, he’s the guy with “painted breath.”

I don’t want to live any longer in this world of “the customer is always right.”

Not of General Interest: Enjoyable, by a woman, modern literary classic: “critical walkback” says you can only pick two.

A New Molten-Salt Reactor Could Halve the Cost of Nuclear Power.


On Pandering.

November 28, 2015

Paris climate activists put under house arrest using emergency laws.

When Holly Brockwell spoke to the BBC about her decision not to have children, she knew she might be criticised on social media. But the attacks went far beyond what she had expected – accusations of selfishness soon turned into vitriolic abuse that made her deactivate her Twitter account.

Stop selling me gratitude: Jane Austen called BS on this tyranny of the status quo 200 years ago.

It’s illegal to make private copies of music in the UK—again.

Rape is the only crime….

After the great unraveling: A harrowing glimpse of the world that awaits.

Michel Houellebecq’s Submission: A Review, Part II.

Mary lives? (You’re welcome edition).

Can we avoid climate apocalypse? No. Next.

Hope for hope’s sake, hope as tautology, hope because hope, hope because “I said so,” is the enemy of intelligence.

The World War II Tool That Changed How We Listen To Birdsong.

Climate Change Negotiations Exclude the Most Impacted: the Young and the Poor.

Putting powerful platforms under cooperative control.

November 27, 2015

Sneaky Microsoft renamed its data slurper before sticking it back in Windows 10.

Why Does The Soviet Economy Appear to be Allocatively Efficient? (1990)

In other words, Southern whites who wanted to keep Jim Crow intact had plenty of reasons to steadily desert the Democratic Party and join the GOP starting around World War II.

Republicans prefer politicians with deep voices. Repubs looking for daddy substitute to protect them from scary world.

How Walmart Keeps an Eye on Its Massive Workforce. The retail giant is always watching.

Equal Population Maps.

What’s worked in computer science.

High-fat diet leading to obesity prompts brain immune cells to start eating connections between neurons. At least, in mice.

Written on Beasts.

How brand-new words are spreading across America.

Of kimono and cultural appropriation. Clueless identity politics activists in the U.S. are no friends of Japan’s struggling kimono industry.

Give Thanks for Thanksgiving — You Might Not Have It Much Longer.

How Fairness Develops in Kids Around the World.

November 26, 2015

White Americans are the biggest terror threat in the United States.

Why do engineers seem unusually prone to become involved in terrorist organizations?

For Poor Countries, Well-Worn Path to Development Turns Rocky.

Lisa Jones, girlfriend of undercover policeman Mark Kennedy: ‘I thought I knew him better than anyone.’ This cop should go to jail for rape.

Not only is it possible for people to believe both halves of a contradiction, it is something they do every day with no apparent difficulty.

Silicon Valley’s Dark Secret: It’s All About Age. It’s strange to have a whole industry with people who don’t know shit doing everything.

Obesity impairs skeletal muscle regeneration via inhibition of AMP-activated protein kinase.

Magnetic protein may provide animals with navigation information.

Perhaps seven or ten years of economic sanctions will lead to catastrophic economic collapse in Russia. You can achieve a lot in that time.

Why We’re All Mutants.

Who to thank—or curse—for America’s highways.

Agriculture Linked to DNA Changes in Ancient Europe.

Biologists induce flatworms to grow heads and brains of other species.

November 25, 2015

Microsoft’s Software Is Malware. Definitionally, it is. But users don’t care.

Einstein’s Lost Hypothesis.

How Our Words Affect Our Thoughts on Race and Gender.

Research Confirms ExxonMobil, Koch-funded Climate Denial Echo Chamber Polluted Mainstream Media.

The Pfizer–Allergan Merger Is a Disgrace.

What Is the Soap Opera Effect (and How to Make It Go Away).

Why We Trade Privacy for Facebook Likes. Well, you do. I do not.

Starship Troopers: One of the Most Misunderstood Movies Ever. Agreed 100%.

A Car Dealers Won’t Sell: It’s Electric.

The Norwegian Secret To Enjoying A Long Winter. The Norwegians are demented and wrong; I want to move to a planet without winter.

November 24, 2015

Dell does a Superfish, ships PCs with easily cloneable root certificates.

What if natural products came with a list of ingredients? Oh no, chemicals!

Dodging Robin Hood: Responses to France and Italy’s Financial Transaction Taxes by Maria Coelho. Note: very long paper.

University canceled yoga class: No, it’s not “cultural appropriation” to practice yoga. But breathing is cultural appropriation. Some other culture did it first!

Apple’s CEO On Encryption: “You Can’t Have A Back Door That’s Only For The Good Guys.”

Surprise: Hillary Lurches Right.

Machines Are Better Than Humans at Hiring the Best Employees.

VA is buried in a backlog of never-ending veterans disability appeals.

Demographic Cleansing Of Ad Industry.

How The Online Debates About Terrorism Go in The US. Where Echidne Grumbles.

November 23, 2015

On the grotesque obsession with accomplished women’s fertility.

Children’s Risky Play from an Evolutionary Perspective: The Anti-Phobic Effects of Thrilling Experiences.

Landlocked Islanders.

Born to Be Mild.

Student Protesters at Princeton Demand Segregation.

How To Defeat ISIS And Other Fables On Terrorism.

Maartje Verhoef by Fabien Baron – Valentino Haute Couture fall 2015.

Scarfolk Council: Brood Parasites (1970).

The Doomsday Invention.

Why Not Just Print More Money?

Magical Thinking about Isis.

The FDA approved a genetically engineered animal for human consumption. The campaign against it is based on fear, not facts. And being a huge fucking dumbass.

After I got married, I put off changing my name not for the usual reasons about preserving my identity or fighting the patriarchy, but because I thought it prudent to keep an extra name in reserve just in case someday an Internet mob decides to destroy me.

What It’s Like To Be A Syrian Refugee In America.

It is an entirely self serving act when a man tells a woman not to fear men.

How Our Words Affect Our Thoughts on Race and Gender.

November 22, 2015

Bringing Up Genius. Deliberate practice is utter bs — no matter how hard I practice, I’ll never be more than terrible at math.