February 7, 2019

The ‘Private Governments’ That Subjugate U.S. Workers.

Decentralized systems are more efficient at reaching a target when its components are not overly capable.

Google now pays more money in EU fines than it pays in taxes. From Google’s perspective, the cost of doing business.

Everyone’s Missing the Obvious About the Declining U.S. Birth Rate.

An exogenously-induced optimism engenders greater dishonesty than pessimism.

The Fetid, Right-Wing Origins of “Learn to Code.”

Infamous pharma company declares bankruptcy after 3,900% price hike. Couldn’t have happened to a better bunch of scumbags, grifters, and sleazeballs.

What Happened to the 100,000-Hour LED Bulbs?

February 6, 2019

Climate Change Will Alter the Color of Half of Earth’s Oceans by 2100.

1919: Hollywood’s Boom Year. A century ago, the struggle between stars and studios shaped the future of the movies.

Debunking Industry Lies, Analysis Shows Medicare for All Would Cut Costs, Boost Efficiency, and Save Lives.

Shouldn’t We All Have Seamless Micropayments By Now?

Top Nancy Pelosi Aide Privately Tells Insurance Executives Not to Worry About Democrats Pushing “Medicare for All.” That’s just what I expected to see.

Tech Is Splitting the U.S. Work Force in Two.

Central Banks and the Folk Tales of Money.

International Fixed Calendar.

It’s not getting any easier to buy a house, and more Americans may just give up.

Office Space turns 20: How the film changed the way we work.

The modern cheese industry would essentially not exist without GM rennet.

February 5, 2019

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity. Pharma and health insurance execs, too.

Our Language Affects What We See.

The infrastructural humiliation of America. Going to another country is like traveling 50 years into some better future.

Women weren’t excluded from early science fiction: they were erased.

Consultants will train the crew of your super-yacht to take care of your fine art collection.

The most shocking part of the racist yearbook photo is unseen.

Here’s what the Sacklers didn’t want you to see in the OxyContin lawsuit. From 2007 to 2018, the Sacklers paid themselves more than $4B from opioid sales.

Millennials’ pay still stunted by the 2008 financial crash.

Why are millennials burned out? Capitalism.

Women’s unawareness of their competitive and malicious motivations grants a competitive advantage in female intrasexual reputation competition.

‘Lambda and serverless is one of the worst forms of proprietary lock-in we’ve ever seen in the history of humanity.’ CoreOS on AWS, Kubernetes, and more.

February 4, 2019

Is There A Fourth Neutrino Out There In The Universe?

Inequality Snowballing.

Machine learning leads mathematicians to unsolvable problem. Headline is bad. Problem is undecidable, not unsolvable.

Learning to code will eventually be as useful as learning Ancient Greek.

America is falling out of love with billionaires, and it’s about time.

How Silicon Valley Puts the ‘Con’ in Consent.

Obesity-linked cancers on the rise in young adults.

February 3, 2019

US Withdraws From INF Nuclear Weapons Treaty With Russia.

Ocasio-Cortez Understands Politics Better Than Her Critics.

How sex censorship killed the internet we love.

Don’t Settle for the Public Option Over Medicare for All.

Automated background checks are deciding who’s fit for a home.

All that’s wrong about the Turing Test. Ex Machina had a better version of the Turing Test.

A domestic terrorist slaughtered 5 women in a Florida bank and hardly anyone noticed.

Principal–agent problem.

The Perils of a Psychological Approach to Anti-racism. A controversy within a professional organization illustrates how well-intentioned people can undermine their own goals.

The Schultz effect: Liberals own 2020.

The Brutal Economy of Cleaning Other People’s Messes, for $9 an Hour.

This is, by the way, the dirty secret of the machine learning movement: almost everything produced by ML could have been produced, more cheaply, using a very dumb heuristic you coded up by hand, because mostly the ML is trained by feeding it examples of what humans did while following a very dumb heuristic.

‘The devastation of human life is in view’: what a burning world tells us about climate change.

Why All Anti-Interventionists Will Necessarily Be Smeared As Russian Assets.

February 2, 2019

‘A badass pilot’: Capt. Rosemary Mariner, first woman to fly a tactical fighter jet, dies.

Time-bombing the future. Synthetics created in the 20th century have become an evolutionary force, altering human biology and the web of life.

Canada’s Bell Tried To Have VPNs Banned During NAFTA Negotiations. I’m surprised they haven’t been banned already.

The Ultimate Consumer Wank Vanity Candidate.

Deliberate reasoning was not increased when using a second language or when having to switch between native and second language.

What Is the Blood of a Poor Person Worth? Desperate people can make $30 donating plasma, up to 104 times a year, in this $20 billion industry.

Why Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax Would Work.

Facebook has declared sovereignty. Which means we can declare war, right? When do the Tomahawks launch?

Streaming Services Are Beginning To Look Like Cable Companies.

February 1, 2019

Scientists say Ocasio-Cortez’s dire climate warning is spot on. People don’t understand what’s going to happen soon enough.

Six Huge Companies Who Scammed Their Way To The Top.

Variation in general intelligence and our evolutionary history.

Why some Japanese pensioners want to go to jail.

One of the greatest modern scams is the entrepreneurial fetish itself, and its marks are getting younger and younger.

Doctors should recommend healthy lifestyle modifications more often. FA howlers won’t like this.

Gödel’s Theorem.

Death of the private self: how fifteen years of Facebook changed the human condition.

Using the geographically-staggered rollout of ERS, we estimate that ERS reduced the female homicide rate by 10-17 percent, with the reduction driven by street prostitution moving indoors and by helping sex workers to screen out the most dangerous clients. FOSTA/SESTA leads directly to more women murdered. Good job.