July 31, 2021

Chronic health issues for third in late 40s – study.

Wall Street doubles down on lending ‘cheap money’ to the rich.

This Cyclic Model of the Universe Has Cosmologists Rethinking the Big Bang. This isn’t a new idea.

Two red objects between Mars and Jupiter may explain how the solar system formed.

Why Conservatives Won’t Get Vaccinated.

Breakthrough COVID infections show ‘the unvaccinated are now putting the vaccinated at risk.’ Unvaccinated people should be under house arrest.

They Spurned the Vaccine. Now They Want You to Know They Regret It.

If They Say They Know, They Don’t Know. A principle for understanding which experts to trust, including the CDC.

How Everybody Miscalculated Housing Demand.

‘I should have gotten the damn vaccine’: Las Vegas father of 5 dies from COVID-19.

How Covid vaccine incentives failed America. America has a long history of requiring vaccinations. Why so much resistance when it comes to Covid.

July 30, 2021

People Are Reportedly Getting Vaccinated in Disguise to Avoid Judgment.

‘What’s Covid?’ Why People at America’s Hardest-Partying Lake Are Not About to Get Vaccinated. Damn those people are powerful stupid.

Critical measures of global heating reaching tipping point, study finds.

Data General-One.

Why philosophy failed us in facing up to the pandemic, and why we need to rethink biopolitics as a matter of life and death.

At home during the pandemic, she was the healthiest she’d been in years. Then she was called back to work.

Russian module suddenly fires thrusters after docking with space station.

The Void That Critical Race Theory Was Created to Fill. The movement’s architects saw the inadequacy of liberal solutions to racial injustice. Yet the term has become a lullaby by which liberals self-soothe.

July 29, 2021

A Soil-Science Revolution Upends Plans to Fight Climate Change.

Naval Architecture.

Vaccinated America Has Had Enough.

‘We don’t deserve this’: new app places US caregivers under digital surveillance.

The ‘Weirdest’ Matter, Made of Partial Particles, Defies Description.

Colleges need vaccine mandates.

The World’s Cascade of Disasters Is Not a Coincidence.

Covid Is Now a Crisis for the Unvaccinated.

COVID-19 could cause male infertility and sexual dysfunction — but vaccines do not.

The Truman Show. How the 33rd president finagled his way to a post–White House fortune — and created a damaging precedent.

The Pandemic Hurt These Students the Most.

Corporations aren’t going to save America. The danger in corporate solutions to government problems.

How many years until we must act on climate? Zero, say these climate thinkers. -50 years.

Apple, AMD, and Intel shift priorities as chip shortages continue.

July 28, 2021

California and New York City to mandate vaccine for government workers.

The Rise and Fall of the Ultimate Doomsday Prepper.

Rationality Is Not A Way Out Of Group Action Problems like Climate Change and Covid.

Biden’s relapse into bipartisan fantasy.

Supply-Chain Backlogs Turn Chicago Into New Chokepoint.

Spiral shark intestines work like Nikola Tesla’s water valve, study finds.

As Virus Cases Rise, Another Contagion Spreads Among the Vaccinated: Anger. Yep. The deliberately unvaccinated should be charged with murder. I am completely serious.

Fact check: Businesses can legally ask if patrons have been vaccinated. HIPAA does not apply.

From ports to rail yards, global supply lines struggle amid virus outbreaks in the developing world. Finally some stories about ths.

People infected with the delta variant of the novel coronavirus may be carrying more than a thousand times more virus particles and may test positive two days earlier than those infected with the original SARS-CoV-2.

People shielding five times more likely to die of Covid, Scottish study finds.

More sex in more places has not changed people’s general sheepishness towards it. Take, for instance, how it is seen as “awkward” or “uncomfortable” for two people who once had casual sex meet again in a regular context, as if they committed a heist together are were told not to contact each other again.

globalinequality: Is Norway the new East India Company?

The Time Tax. Why is so much American bureaucracy left to average citizens?

July 27, 2021

Historical language records reveal a surge of cognitive distortions in recent decades.

The insect apocalypse: ‘Our world will grind to a halt without them.’

The Great Outdoors Is Giving Way to the Great Indoors.

16 of 30 Google results contain SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Pickup trucks are a plague on Canadian streets. And American ones.

People Sure Are Driving a Lot, Gasoline Consumption Hits Record, But Flying & Mass Transit Lag Way Behind.

Devastated by Disasters, Lake Charles Is Still Waiting for Help.

What does public health really mean? Lessons from covid-19. Good piece. They were writing in the BMJ, so they could not say “extended lockdowns are moronic,” but did express that in a more venue-appropriate way.

Fight the Delta variant, but don’t let it stop the reopening. Right on.

As many as 60% of COVID-19 cases went undetected as of March 7, 2021, the last date for which the dataset they employed is available.

Plant root–associated bacteria preferentially colonize their native host-plant roots.

A Health Care Giant Sold Off Dozens Of Hospitals — But Continued Suing Many Patients.

July 26, 2021

4 in 10 workers say they’ll look for another job if they have to go back to the office full-time.

How Apple, Facebook, and Google Broke the Mobile Browser Market by Silently Undermining User Choice.

Why Elite Romans Decorated Their Floors With Garbage.

Democrats’ Infrastructure Bill Can Deliver on the Failed Promise of Private Industry.

The FTC Votes Unanimously to Enforce Right to Repair.

Empty Storefronts Are Killing Our Neighbourhoods.

Yep, it’s bleak, says expert who tested 1970s end-of-the-world prediction.

Do Adults Really Not Remember School Sucked?

COVID and the brain: researchers zero in on how damage occurs.

Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?

Scorn and Consequences: What Refusers Deserve.

It’s Time to Start Requiring Vaccinations.

The Inflation Is Real, and It Isn’t Going Away Soon.

The End of “Cancel Culture”? Young Americans may return us to a culture of compassion and forgiveness.

What’s a “Stuck Nation”? America in 2021, paralyzed by injustice and inequality.

The Delta Variant Is the Symptom of a Bigger Threat: Vaccine Refusal.

July 25, 2021

SpaceX lands NASA launch contract for mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa.

Operation Fox Hunt: How China Exports Repression Using a Network of Spies Hidden in Plain Sight.

How The Metaphysics Of Capitalism Destroyed The World.

In Defense of Dumb Nationalist Bullshit. You’re allowed to feel good.

Inside a Tennessee hospital grappling with Delta and vaccine hesitancy.

Does not compute: Avoiding pitfalls assessing the Internet’s energy and carbon impacts.

Epigenetic clocks reveal a rejuvenation event during embryogenesis followed by aging.

Cleaner air has contributed one-fifth of US maize and soybean yield gains since 1999.

American Dysfunction Is the Biggest Barrier to Fighting Covid.

Stimmies Work: Relief and Recovery!

Hubble views a faraway galaxy through a cosmic lens.

Maker of dubious $56K Alzheimer’s drug offers cognitive test no one can pass.

More-Than-Human and Deeply Human Perspectives on COVID-19.

July 24, 2021

Silicon Valley’s Best Pandemic Ever. As the world reeled, tech titans supplied the tools that made life and work possible. Now the companies are awash in money — and questions about what it means to win amid so much loss.

Global Warming Is Coming For Us, So You Better Get Used to Seeing Skin. It’s the coldest summer of the rest of our lives. Let the people show nip. Anything to push back against the prudes is ok in my book.

Why Are Pedestrian Deaths at Epidemic Levels?

Republican governor says ‘time to start blaming unvaccinated’ for rise in cases. Exactly right.

We tested AI interview tools. Here’s what we found. One gave our candidate a high score for English proficiency when she spoke only in German.

Exercise Capacity and Mortality among Men Referred for Exercise Testing.

Loneliness Is Breaking America.

A Rare Eagle.

July 23, 2021

You Don’t Need A Full-Size Pickup Truck, You Need a Cowboy Costume. The most popular vehicles in America may be the greatest examples of overcompensation ever invented.

The Departure Board Edition.

Inside the disinformation machine: How far-right media brainwash millions daily.

Men and women are equally likely to resort to blatant forms of sexual deception.