November 30, 2021

You Should Be Afraid of the Next ‘Lab Leak.’ Covid might not have come out of a medical research lab, but it raises some urgent questions about how those facilities operate.

Using mechanical tools improves our language skills, study finds.

Your Herbs and Spices Might Contain Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead.

Researchers Claim Locally-Testable-Code Breakthrough With Exotic Multi-Dimensional Graph.

The End of Trust. Suspicion is undermining the American economy.

Why don’t we just open the windows? The evidence for preventing covid-19 is lost in translation.

How ‘Climate Migrants’ Are Roiling American Politics.

Americans Don’t Hate Work, They Hate the Workplace.

The Political Economy of Mass Panic.

November 29, 2021

HIV Is Africa’s Latest Covid-19 Problem.

How the weather shapes history.

Corporate Profits Hit a Record High in the Third Quarter.

The People Dream of a President Who Will Take on Corporations.

Émile-Antoine Bayard’s Illustrations for Around the Moon by Jules Verne (1870).

Supply-Chain Crisis Only Getting Worse With China’s 7-Week Port Quarantine.

This decorated mammoth ivory pendant is 41,500 years old.

The ancient origins of glass.

All Hugo & Nebula Nominated Fiction.

Now nonprofit, The Salt Lake Tribune has achieved something rare for a local newspaper: financial sustainability.

Josh Hawley and the New Anti-Feminism.

The Withering Away of the States Can’t Happen Soon Enough.

The Terror Of Electronic Money.

This Ocean Invaded Its Neighbor Earlier Than Anyone Thought.

On Twitter, fossil fuel companies’ climate misinformation is subtle.

The Design Legacy of Covid? It’s All Around You. Some objects and practices born in lockdown will probably stick around for decades — for better or worse. Mostly worse.

November 28, 2021

The Metropolis and Mental Life.

Democrats need to admit that inflation is real – or voters will turn on them.

Diversity, Institutions, and Economic Outcomes: Post-WWII Displacement in Poland.

A core threat to our democracy’: threat of political violence growing across US.

Hints of New Life in the Shadows of Venezuela’s Last Glacier. When ice goes, lichens and mosses move in and an entirely new ecosystem starts to take shape.

Fighting the Inflation Profiteers. Companies are raising prices well above increases in their costs. The only antidote is to finally take action against corporate power.

How one discredited 1998 study paved the way for today’s anti-vaxxers.

The Story Of Dolly Oesterreich – The Woman Who Kept Her Secret Lover In The Attic For Years.

Red Friday: A Little Dip and Already the Crybabies on Wall Street are Clamoring for the Fed to Soothe their Pain.

Sex workers are the canary in the coal mine of free speech online. Well, the libs hate free speech and are terrified of sex, so not surprised this is happening.

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends. Ha. Yes, they do.

The DOJ is targeting unruly airline passengers for prosecution.

Booster Shots Create a 23X Increase in Protective Antibody Levels, Study Suggests.

Artificial servants, autonomous killing machines, surveillance systems, and sex robots have been part of the human imagination for thousands of years.

November 27, 2021

The Deadly Myth That Human Error Causes Most Car Crashes.

Why we need service literacy, now.

Ping. Ding. Chirp. Notifications Are Driving Us Crazy. I turn off almost all notification ASAP everywhere. Fuck them.

Microsoft Edge recently gained a feature that allows people to pay for online purchases in installments. Oh what the fuck. Destroy all technology.

Each Worker’s Slice of After-Inflation-Income Pie Is Shrinking. But No Problem, They Spend Heroically.

Covid-19 Linked to Four Times Higher Risk of Stillbirth During Delta Era, CDC Finds.

Why Trying to Clean Up All the Ocean Plastic Is Pointless.

Italy fines Apple and Google for ‘aggressive’ data practices.

The Democrats’ child care proposal is deeply flawed.

November 26, 2021

Arctic Ocean started getting warmer decades earlier than we thought, study finds.

“We are going to make you beg for mercy”: America’s public servants face a wave of threats. The intimidation of poll workers, school administrators, and public health officials reveals a democracy rotting from within..

Eagle that stole the shark in Dunedin? That’s Eugene. She has a story.

Texas Gas Companies Hit Texas Consumers With ‘Whoops You Froze To Death’ Surcharge.

Looking for America in Thanksgiving week: It must be here somewhere.

Have we been thinking about the pandemic wrong? The effect of population structure on transmission.

Watch a JPG decode on a 286 PC from the early 1990s. 1990s? The 286 was released in 1982.

The Gene-Synthesis Revolution. Researchers can now design and mass-produce genetic material — a technique that helped build the mRNA vaccines. What could it give us next?

As Turkeys Take Over Campus, Some Colleges Are More Thankful Than Others.

Big Tech is still often seen as ‘liberal’. In fact it’s the leading edge of neo-reactionary thought in the US.

A new study finds that most ‘Long COVID’ symptoms are not independently associated with evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (except loss of sense of smell), but is associated with belief in having had COVID.

The first-ever planetary defense mission is now on its way to the asteroid Didymos and its moon, Dimorphos. But, but, no one needs a space program!

Even the stars think that I am superior: Personality, intelligence and belief in astrology.

‘Bitter,’ ‘Angry,’ ‘Enraged’: Reality Winner Blasts the Intercept After 4 Years in Jail. She is one of my heroes and a true patriot.

How the MFA swallowed literature.

Thanksgiving is Awesome.

November 25, 2021

Breeding plants with genes from one parent.

What looks like the inevitable and impregnable demands of history right now will look in time like the decaying aristocratic mores they are.

World’s Worst People Keep Assaulting and Harassing Flight Attendants.

Accused money launderers secretly moved millions into America to buy steel mills — while elected leaders helped them fend off U.S. regulators and foreign competitors. Left in the wake: hazardous waste and injured workers.

‘Snowball effect’: The global reasons why you can’t buy what you want right now.

Dysfunction Is Central to the Basic Functioning of American Society.

What They Did to the Kids.

The Amazon Privacy Nightmare.

Mass Psychosis. Too many Americans are losing their mind.

Determinants of infant mortality and representation in bioarchaeological samples: A review.

No pension. No savings. No future. No wonder we’re betting the house on crypto.

November 24, 2021

Why Is France So Afraid of God? How the country came to view religion as a threat to national identity. Rightly so. Should be this way everywhere, even though it makes liberals have big crying jags.

Using a gravity model, we find that a larger ancestral distance between two countries’ populations reduces the probability that a trade relationship exists (extensive margin).

A Socialist Alternative to Human Capital Theory?

As companies look to bring remote workers back to the office, a writer asks: Why? MBA power tripping.

Botulism nearly derailed the nascent food canning industry completely.

Why the Hell Would You Want to Privatize Libraries?

Those who celebrate the Rittenhouse verdict don’t understand the chaos they’ve invited — but they crave it.

Spoiler Alerts Are Making Us All Stupid.

Facebook’s Terrible Uncle Strategy Is Driving Away The Kids.

New tests show neolithic pits near Stonehenge were human-made.

NIMBYism and local control.

Among the smartest animals on Earth, octopuses are unique for being utterly weird in their evolutionary path to developing those smart.

November 23, 2021

El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law Is a Farce.

The many gifts of awkward silence.

I’m A Twenty Year Truck Driver, I Will Tell You Why America’s “Shipping Crisis” Will Not End.

New Zealand to end tough Covid curbs, adopt new virus-fighting system next week.

Could Covid Lead to Progress? Mass tragedies sometimes have unexpected consequences.

Protein – Which is Best?

Supply-Chain Snarls Deliver Windfalls to Wall Street.

Does experiencing harm make you biased and untrustworthy? Some think so.

Was 1980 the worst automotive year ever?

Blood sugar level follows perceived time rather than actual time in people with type 2 diabetes.

November 22, 2021

The WOLF STREET F-150 XLT and Camry LE Price Index, Model Year 2022 Update: This is the Craziest Situation I’ve Ever Seen.

Differentially charged nanoplastics demonstrate distinct accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Climate denial is waning on the right. What’s replacing it might be just as scary.