February 28, 2023

US Electric Car Sales Increased 65% In 2022.

A War With China Would Be Unlike Anything Americans Faced Before. Indeed. We should be doing everything reasonable to avoid this.

Deep boreholes solve our nuclear waste problem.

Hurricanes could push deeper into U.S. in coming decades.

How inflammation in the body may explain depression in the brain.

No One Knows If Decades-Old Nukes Would Actually Work.

Russia’s New Offensive Sends Conscripts Into the Teeth of Ukraine’s Lines. A month into the campaign, Russian forces have barely budged despite forays by small units in fields, pine forests and ruined towns.

February 27, 2023

War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever.

What the West Must Do Now to Help Ukraine Win the War.

A mysterious object is being dragged into the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s center.

How Confusion Spreads and Becomes Engrained.

In TV and movies, there is often the trope of the overeducated patient that knows “too much” about medicine and tries to overrule doctors. But the reality is that doctors do not have time to root cause you, and you must take ownership of your diagnosis and treatment.

Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says.

A monthly look at rent price trends across the United States.

Exercise More Effective Than Medicines to Manage Mental Health.

February 26, 2023

Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Could End Disease’s Chronic Inflammation.

Fed can’t tame inflation without ‘significantly’ more hikes that will cause a recession, paper says.

UK Proposes Even More Stupid Ideas For Directly Regulating The Internet, Service Providers.

Earth’s innermost layer is a 644 kilometer wide ball of iron, new study finds.

Teacher Charged After Crypto Mining Operation Discovered in School Crawl Space.

Nasal Covid vaccine shows promise in early clinical trial.

How American energy helped Europe best Putin.

‘Something Was Badly Wrong’: When Washington Realized Russia Was Actually Invading Ukraine.

The War in Ukraine Is the End of a World.

People Forgot How War Actually Works.

The Reaction Economy.

Burbank aborted landing was latest close call for U.S. flights.

A framework characterizing the cardio-behavioral responses associated with fear and anxiety.

I Was in an Accident Due to California Blizzard, Stranded Overnight in Snow, No Cell Service. My Bosses Response.

America’s Most Boring Association Is Fighting the Planet. The dominance of the water-guzzling lawn is starting to wane—if only homeowner communities could get on board..

February 25, 2023

The U.S. Has Billions for Wind and Solar Projects. Good Luck Plugging Them In.

China goes all-in on Russia’s war effort.

Commodities’ Wild Ride: Spikes, Plunges, Re-spikes: Lithium, Lumber, Coal, Wheat, Copper, Steel, Iron Ore, Soybeans, Coffee, Corn.

There is a worrying amount of fraud in medical research.

Agile Scrums. For F Sake.

Stubbornly high inflation is taking its time to return to low prepandemic levels.

How to contain a recalcitrant Russia.

Doctors Are Disappearing From Emergency Rooms as Hospitals Look to Cut Costs.

People Got Used to Higher Prices and Are Outspending even Raging Inflation. They Don’t Want this Thing to Land.

The Catastrophe of American Health Care. Our current system defines health as the ability to work. Those who can’t are abandoned and exploited.

McKinsey Wants Poor People to Pay Those Damn Hospital Bills. For-profit hospitals provide inferior care. But they make more money. And now, nonprofits want to hop on the gravy train.

DOJ Preps Antitrust Suit to Block Adobe’s $20 Billion Figma Deal.

February 24, 2023

The illusion of a frictionless existence. Eliminating everyday annoyances may be creating the most risk-averse generation in history.

Hundreds or thousands of Norwegian and Swedish Vikings went to the Mediterranean for ‘summer jobs’ as mercenaries. They left behind graffiti.

Inventing Black and White.

Sexual attacks against teen girls increased at school, online and at home during lockdown.

The mystery of the disappearing vacation day.

The Fed alone cannot bring inflation down.

Additional physical education classes may lower pediatric obesity prevalence in schools.

February 23, 2023

What Europe showed the world about renewable energy. It’s possible to do hard things for the climate — and the US isn’t that far behind.

Russia’s War on Ukraine, China’s Rise Expose US Military Failings.

Exposing the Secretive and Sinister Work of McKinsey & Co.

U.S. Successfully Shoots Down Kid Jumping Too High On Trampoline.

AI is Useful for Capitalists but Probably Terrible for Anyone Else.

There are many reasons why China may not be in a hurry to see Russia’s war in Ukraine end.

Neanderthals’ meal leftovers offer a glimpse of their diverse cultures.

Most young men are single. Most young women are not.

No More Mr. Nice Boss: Flexible Employers Were a Pandemic Blip.

Some employers are snatching back job offers, blaming the economy.

James Webb telescope detects evidence of ancient ‘universe breaker’ galaxies. Can I overlord them too?

Ultra-Processed People.

Why Pizza Hut’s red roofs and McDonald’s play places have disappeared.

Huge debts to China come due. Will the world’s poorest have to pay?

Movies Today Are Largely Sexless, So Where is the Sex Scene Discourse Coming From? The sex scene “discourse” is fucking idiotic.

February 22, 2023

Leaked document shows how Russia plans to take over Belarus.

Conspiracy Theorists Are Coming for the 15-Minute City.

Rattled by China, U.S. and allies are beefing up defenses in the Pacific.

President Biden’s Kyiv trip was a diplomatic masterstroke, so of course Republicans are fuming.

The rewriting of Roald Dahl is an act of cultural vandalism.

China Misreads the Room in Munich.

Wokeness as mainline orthodoxy.

Americans’ Climate Migration Has Begun.

Will the Education Culture War Backfire on Republicans?

How long can Russia keep fighting the war in Ukraine?

ChatGPT Has Already Decreased My Income Security, and Likely Yours Too.

The return to the office could be the real reason for the slump in productivity. Here’s the data to prove it.

Abraham Lincoln’s disastrous effort to get Black people to leave the U.S.

Dear HR, Please Don’t Force Your Idea of Fun on Your Employees.

Early morning university classes are associated with impaired sleep and academic performance.

February 21, 2023

Two new studies paint encouraging picture of Covid-19 vaccine’s performance.

Biden administration’s rule for federal scientists is a ‘gag order’, critics say.

Workers’ Pay Globally Hasn’t Kept Up With Inflation.

How Our Reality May Be a Sum of All Possible Realities.

A newly developed catalyst makes single-use plastics easier to upcycle, recycle and biodegrade.

Fentanyl: America’s struggle to contain a deadly drug.

Still not many layoffs, but concentrated in the San Francisco Bay Area. Workers found new jobs quickly, and employment in California still rose.

The Rot Economy.

Over 40? Just 20 minutes of daily exercise can keep you out of the hospital.

60-day bed rest study shows dangers of long-term inactivity for blood sugar levels.

February 20, 2023

Wonking Out: Why Growth Can Be Green.

As the pandemic ebbs, an influential COVID tracker shuts down.

Among those who have ever had long COVID, over half are no longer reporting symptoms.

The Case for Free-Range Lab Mice.

Everything Is About the Housing Market. High urban rents make life worse for everyone in countless ways.

The U.S. cannot afford to turn against immigration.

How the Sino-Vietnamese War Was Purposefully Forgotten. In both China and Vietnam, the governments have deliberately tried to bury memories of their 1979 war.

Military History Doesn’t Say What Ukraine’s Critics Think.

Exercise rejuvenates the skeletal muscle methylome and transcriptome in humans.

Putin, czar with no empire, needs military victory for his own survival.

A Relatively Definitive List of Linguists-Based Science Fiction.