November 20, 2022

On infantry.

Finland to start building fence on Russian border next year.

Rapid fluctuations in oxygen levels coincided with Earth’s first mass extinction.

November 19, 2022

‘Publication Laundering’: How Publishers Happily Accept Fake And Nonsense Conference Papers In The Pursuit Of Profits.

The End of Vaccines at ‘Warp Speed.’ Financial and bureaucratic barriers in the United States mean that the next generation of Covid vaccines may well be designed here, but used elsewhere. We. Are. Idiots.

GM expects EV profits to be comparable to gas vehicles by 2025, years ahead of schedule.

Wealth is partly imaginary. And crypto wealth is more imaginary than most.

Over 100,000 historic vinyl records are being digitised and made available to stream online for free.

Sears Limps Through What Could Be Its Final Holiday Season.

The Fall and Rise of Partisan Journalism.

Let crypto burn. Just say no to legitimacy-inferring regulation.

November 18, 2022

The Global Carbon Surveillance State Is Coming.

How To Protect The Economy When It Becomes Too Hot To Work.

Lab-grown meat cleared for human consumption by U.S. regulator.

Attractive female students no longer earned higher grades when classes moved online during COVID-19.

The Surprising Afterlife of Unwanted Atom Bombs.

Strange black hole merger may have been a rare random encounter.

Cable company’s accidental email to rival discusses plan to block competition. Cable One: Fighting publicly funded rivals one of our “most important tasks.”

Lesser Prairie Chickens Gain Protection Under U.S. Endangered Species Act. They may call you “lesser,” but I still think you’re the best.

November 17, 2022

Digital Books wear out faster than Physical Books.

Leaked audio: Anti-abortion group tells politicians to wait a year or two before going after IVF and contraception.

Finance and the polycrisis: The global housing downturn.

Vast Majority of People Who Invest in Bitcoin Inevitably Lose Money, Study Shows.

Twitter’s potential collapse could wipe out vast records of recent human history. What happens when the world’s knowledge is held in a quasi-public square owned by a private company that could soon go out of business? This is what the powerful are hoping for.

Russian Colonel Who Helped Putin’s Mobilization Mysteriously Shot Dead.

The 20-Year Boondoggle. The Department of Homeland Security was supposed to rally nearly two dozen agencies together in a modernized, streamlined approach to protecting the country. So what the hell happened?

Private Equity Is Quietly Taking Over Health Care — and Making It More Expensive.

November 16, 2022

The Global Shipping Container Shortage Is Now a Surplus.

‘Be’ is nice. End of story.

How Oil & Gas Funding Distorts Energy Research.

People expect much faster price increases where they actually spend most of their money – housing, food, gasoline, health care, and college education – than what they expect for the theoretical overall inflation rate. As is and will be correct.

U.S. diesel shortage squeezes farmers, homeowners and White House.

Disciplining workers in a workers’ state.

How researchers used CRISPR gene editing to send immune cells after cancer.

Delay, Detect, Defend: Preparing for a Future in which Thousands Can Release New Pandemics.

Tech layoffs are a warning sign of what’s ahead.

To the moon, again, with good reason.

London Loses Crown of Biggest European Stock Market to Paris.

A clam presumed extinct for 40,000 years has been found alive. It clammed up for a long time.

November 15, 2022

The Match Girls Strike.

Solar panel waste may not be nearly as bad as we once thought. Remember: a lot of that was oil company propaganda.

Biden takes aim at methane emissions with new rules on oil and gas industry. The Environmental Protection Agency said the proposed standards would reduce methane from the oil and gas sector by 87% below 2005 levels.

Congress seeks to arm Taiwan quickly as China threat grows.

The latest coronavirus variants show reassuring early signs.


Don’t let Adderall scarcity trigger a repeat of the opioid epidemic.

Columbia Accident Investigation Board.

Dung beetle moms protect their offspring from a warming world by digging deeper.

NIH-Funded “Food Pyramid” Rates Lucky Charms Healthier Than Steak.

November 14, 2022

I used to believe that people who voted for awful candidates were blind to their bad qualities — but many of this week’s slate of winning candidates were so openly horrific that it is impossible to believe anything other than those who voted for them accepted, perhaps even embraced, their awfulness.

What the Foxconn Exodus in Zhengzhou Means for China’s Supply Chains. China’s “zero-COVID” policy has driven home the risks of overconcentrating supply chains. But can any countries realistically replace China?


Behavior of spin glasses.

Quitting Is Underrated.

Biden believes Congress must codify Roe v. Wade, top aide says.

Russia Tried to Absorb a Ukrainian City. It Didn’t Work.

Farmland Values Hit Record Highs, Pricing Out Farmers. Small farmers are now going up against deep-pocketed investors, including private equity firms and real estate developers.

November 13, 2022

The Problem With Letting Therapy-Speak Invade Everything.

Only what exists can cause: An intrinsic view of free will. I haven’t decided yet if this paper is nonsense or not.

“Dark ships” emerge from the shadow of the Nord Stream pipeline mystery.

Key Building Block for Life Likely Discovered on One of Saturn’s Moons.

The Age of Social Media Is Ending. It never should have begun.

Although Florida had a relatively high COVID death toll, the welter of confounding factors (weather, demographics, wealth) denied liberals the smackdown they craved.

Cats have a reputation for being aloof, but a new study has found that their relationships with their owners may be stronger than we thought. As anyone who has ever had a cat already knows.

Demisexuals are scared of sex. Desire has been purged from modern dating. Kat is right; especially if you’re a man, even wanting sex in a relationship is seen as bad and evil. The New Puritans are terrible.

November 12, 2022

Large gametes occur in females; small gametes in males. In humans, an egg is 10 million times bigger than a sperm. There is zero overlap. It is a full binary. Biology is real.

Services Inflation Spiked to Second Highest in 4 Decades, Would Have Spiked to Highest, If Not Slowed by Biggest-Ever Mega-Adjustment of Health Insurance CPI.

US warns Europe a conflict over Taiwan could cause global economic shock.

The world has progressed beyond the need for Russian power.

Photos and Stories From the Front Lines of Post-Roe America.

Let’s put the myth of the billionaire genius to rest.

The nuclear arms race grows from two to three major competing powers.

A predicted ‘red wave’ crashed into wall of abortion rights support on Tuesday. Ayup. As I said.

Southern White women are the lady foot soldiers of the GOP’s agenda. We will not get free until that changes.

November 11, 2022

Biggest loser of the midterm elections? The media.

The Age of PageRank is Over.

Kurt Vonnegut at 100.

Russia’s withdrawal from Kherson is its most humiliating setback since the failed invasion of Kyiv. But there’s no sign Putin intends to end his misbegotten war.

Democrats Averted Disaster, But the Working Class Did Not.

Who killed the COVID vaccine waiver? The inside story of how lobbying, threats and the desire to protect industry gutted a proposal that was meant to make vaccines widely available in poorer countries.

France to require all large parking lots to be covered by solar panels.

I Am Trying to Like Mastodon. I tried, but the reality is that it is clown shit.

The Big Fight Over 403 Very Small Wasps.

Measles outbreak erupts among unvaccinated children in Ohio daycare.

November 10, 2022

I want my karass.

Calling what we have now, and which is already dead or dying, “social media” or “social networks” wrongly suggests we’ve created a fixed thing organized around sociality.

TikTok’s Greatest Asset Isn’t Its Algorithm—It’s Your Phone.

The Email Caste’s Last Stand.

Apple Is Tracking You Even When Its Own Privacy Settings Say It’s Not, New Research Says.

Germany blocks another Chinese acquisition of a chip company.

An Introduction to Semiosis.

Deception and Trickery Are the Other Weapons in the Ukraine War.

What I’ve Learned From Having Cancer Is Nothing.

Republicans Did Not Read the Room.

November 9, 2022

The Car Safety Feature That Kills the Other Guy.

The CIA’s Operation ‘Midnight Climax’ Is Exactly What It Sounds Like.

China: Back to Authoritarianism.

Japan weighs allowing secondhand tank and missile exports. Move would enhance cooperation with neighbors as China’s military might grows. Likely WWIII by 2035.

Taiwan Prepares to Be Invaded.

Middle management job cuts raise fears of US ‘white-collar recession.’