June 16, 2016

All Hail the Queen of Exceptionalistan.

Chattanooga Was a Typical Postindustrial City. Then It Began Offering Municipal Broadband.

What Gun Control Advocates Can Learn From Abolitionists. Slave ownership was once as entrenched in American life as gun ownership.

Thank You for Not Being Totally Worthless.

To be an open borders supporter.

Exotic Ancient Weapons VIII: African throwing blades.

Geena Davis on Hollywood Gender Disparity.

Ships Have Gotten Too Big.

White Crime.

The Codeless Code: Ancient code. Never did anything this complex, but did similar things during the 1980s.

It seems debatable to me whether the shooting itself was an act of “terrorism” as much as one more mass shooting by a poorly socialized male.

Instantaneous, universal communication is at least as likely to breed nationalism, xenophobia, and cultism as it is to breed harmony and fellow-feeling.

As climate change alters the habitat of eastern U.S. forests, some species are expected to do better than others.

June 15, 2016

Compare These Gun Death Rates: The U.S. Is in a Different World.

If she is jailed in Italy, which is what a prosecutor in Milan said will happen, De Sousa will be the only person held accountable for the CIA’s controversial “extraordinary rendition” program.

The U.S. Navy’s Big Mistake — Building Tons of Supercarriers. Supercarriers became obsolete with the Exocet in 1974.

What’s False About True Color.

Pride and Prejudice (and watermelon). If you ever see a Yellow Doll watermelon, get you some. Regret will be one of the things you will not.

Free Trade Is Dead.

Artificial intelligence produces realistic sounds that fool humans.

In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians. Having grown up among evangelicals, this is not a shock to me.

Weasels Are Built for the Hunt.

So the next time you hear something about basic income, and you roll your eyes, remember one thing: The only reason so many millions of people have jobs right this second is because their employers have not yet found a way to fire them.

First mammal species wiped out by human-induced climate change.

Mongolia is changing all its addresses to three-word phrases.

I’ve never known a world without mass shootings.

Joe Biden Said Guys Who Ignore Misogyny Are ‘Accomplices’ to Sexual Assault. Speaking at DC’s first ever United State of Women Summit, the vice president asked men to end the “locker room talk, the bar banter, the rape jokes.”

Reducing the supply of angry young men.

Let’s Do Something Else.

Power plants are no longer America’s biggest climate problem. Transportation is.

Staring Into The Past and Future at Rattlesnake Lake.

June 14, 2016

Wittgenstein’s Handles.

Election Results.

Feck! A history of swearing from the very first F to the 21st C.

Yes, There Have Been Aliens.

Endangered Language Research and the Moral Depravity of Ethics Protocols.

In Which We Get to the Bottom of Some Crazy-Ass Language. Always common in the South, but I think David Letterman spread usage as an intensifier widely.


How Killing the 3.5mm Needlessly Complicates Smartphone Audio.

I, for one, do not welcome our new Neoliberal overlords.

The plummeting cost of industrial robots and the electronic cameras used for machine vision mean that serious automation is coming to even the cheapest sewn products.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Hurt Farmers and Make Seed Companies Richer. Well, that was one of its goals, so…surprise?

Gun Industry Executives Say Mass Shootings Are Good for Business. An armed society is a dead society.

Researchers found that students perform better in science where they read stories about how famous scientists struggled rather than when they read stories about what those scientists achieved.

The distinction between natural and synthetic chemicals is not merely ambiguous, it is non-existent.

There are about 260,000 ‘robots’ working in America right now. That number will rise to an estimated 700,000 over the next decade.

June 13, 2016

As temperatures rise, flowers emit less scent.

E pluribus unum.

The less opportunities and chances criminals have to escape the police or to escape a general surveillance, the less opportunities and chances political dissenters have to do so once political dissent was turned into a crime.

Party leaders demonized Sanders supporters to stymie debate of the progressive change he’s championed.

A New Way for the Wealthy to Shop for Citizenships.

Revealed: Cambodia’s vast medieval cities hidden beneath the jungle.

“The cost of non-Europe” may have been calculated but nobody has yet estimated the cost of non-democracy that is already helping to undermine public support for European integration.

Many people in modern society, far too many people, are profoundly alone.

Soon anybody with a high-resolution camera and the right software will be able to determine your identity. Will see the complete extinction of privacy in my lifetime.

Les femmes criminelles anglaises en 1900.


Laid-Off Americans, Required to Zip Lips on Way Out, Grow Bolder.

Under the Hood — The Computational Engine of Economic Development.

Study finds native Olympia oysters more resilient to ocean acidification.

Globalization made economic production more vulnerable to climate change.

We are moving at all times through thick, humid, innumerable layers of memories, expectations, daydreams, regrets, projections, movie scenes, music videos, our shit, other people’s shit, and a unanimously shared, although not necessarily consented to, hammered-in system of ideas about the way the present moment “should” go.

I wanted to train a machine to write like me.

June 12, 2016

U.S. Elites: the Original Gangsters.

Google Comes Down On The Wrong Side Of The TPP.

Remember when political risk was an emerging markets thing?

How US Transnational Cables Are Tapped.

Brazil’s right-wing interim government will set the country on a path of wholesale environmental destruction.

A Duke University study of coal ash ponds near 21 power plants in five Southeastern U.S. states has found evidence that nearby surface waters and groundwater are consistently and lastingly contaminated by the unlined ponds.

In 2013, households in the top, middle, and bottom income quintiles received 53, 14, and 5 percent, respectively, of the nation’s before-tax income and paid 69, 9, and 1 percent, respectively, of federal taxes. Click “…read more” for more data, good graphs.

Intel & ME, and why we should get rid of ME. Extremely likely that the NSA can access any computer at any time (or or off) via this if exposed to the internet.

Open access: All human knowledge is there—so why can’t everybody access it?

The Stinkor action figure had a semi-foul scent, giving it the distinction of being one of the few toys whose “action feature” is an odor.

Virginia Heffernan’s Magic and Loss, reviewed.

A Breakdown in Old Rules Leads to a Rethink on How Global Markets Work.

Over the years that correspond to Clinton’s adult life, the nation she may well come to lead has only barely begun to move forward from what amounts to all of human history, when women were not considered human enough to get a say in whether they ironed a shirt, went to the library, or got raped.

Always Remember: We Live in a Nation of Scammers. Trump University’s playbook is the same one American big business has been using for years.

Photographer Reveals the Intricate Beauty of the Insect World.

Paul Krugman. VSP.

June 11, 2016

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Is an Alternative Reality Where Assault Survivors Are Taken Seriously.

In many ways easier to be a working mother in 1980, when Chelsea Clinton was born, than it is today.

Solar Added More New Capacity Than Coal, Natural Gas and Nuclear Combined.

18 Terminal Romance Movies Ranked. The Fault in our Stars tops the list, as should be. Woodley is excellent in the film indeed.

US counties where more than half the population was born in another US state.

How to flunk out of the University of Google.

Ten Degrees Above Average, Alaska is Having Its Hottest Year Since Records Began.

Society today.

McDonald’s: you can sneer, but it’s the glue that holds communities together. Also in the US, gas stations/convenience stores are social hangouts for people of my former social caste.

How much do ISPs hate competition? They’ll sue the FCC to prevent it.

Our Final Answer on ‘Too Many Women.’

We stand corrected on 1951 story: Engineering grad, 21, wasn’t a ‘girl’ among men.

Green Party’s Jill Stein on the Feminist Case Against Hillary Clinton.

June 10, 2016

On Reading Issues of Wired from 1993 to 1995.

Stratospheric Life. The science of bacteria in the atmosphere.

The Lemon Index: Which Cars Have the Highest Maintenance Costs? Don’t buy a BMW.

Knock Yourselves Out. “Punching up” in American comedy.

Old World metals were traded on Alaska coast several hundred years before contact with Europeans.

Why French Workers Are So Mad. The government says more “flexibility” will create jobs, but the people of France know better.

The Value of the Humanities.

Planet formation in the early universe might have created carbon planets consisting of graphite, carbides, and diamond. Astronomers might find these diamond worlds by searching a rare class of stars. Most of these planets would still be around, but dark (no star left).