October 24, 2018

The Secretive Business of Facial-Recognition Software in Retail Stores.

Language choice and sexual communication among Xhosa speakers in Cape Town, South Africa: implications for HIV prevention message development.

How Marketing Created Superfoods. There is no such thing as a superfood. It has zero basis in science.

Once you get in a car it’s hard to get out.

Devil’s interval: What makes music sound scary?

The Pieties of the Liberal Class.

Italy may kill the EU’s copyright filter plans.

His Body Was Behind the Wheel for a Week Before It Was Discovered. This Was His Life.

Amazon Pitches Facial Recognition to Monitor Immigrants.

Psychological Fidelity.

Selma Blair’s MS diagnosis took 15 years. That’s common. Here’s why. Particularly common in women to be misdiagnosed.

October 23, 2018

The looming danger of non-banks.

Stop building websites with infinite scroll.

“In good faith” became one of the mantras of the late George W. Bush years. It was the perfect exculpatory phrase for decisions that turned out to be terrible.

The City That Had Too Much Money. Vancouver was the first place to experience the tidal wave of Chinese cash. Now the city is leading efforts to stop it.

A new way to measure nearly nothing: Ultracold trapped atoms to measure pressure.

2017 U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Mapped.

Hurricane Michael leaves a seaside Florida town in an existential crisis. Rebuilding anything here is pure folly.

Health risks of shipping pollution have been ‘underestimated.’

How a Gang of Hedge Funders Strip-Mined Kentucky’s Public Pensions.

Sons born to US Civil War POWs were more likely to die young. But only for those POWs held when camp conditions were really bad.

Once upon a time, Internet users were free to look at whatever content they liked. There was an almost complete absence of intervention from third-parties, which was mostly a good thing.

Trans extremists are putting equality at risk.

Most men treat women like something less than human, whether accidentally or on purpose, and that means it’s hard to like them.

California’s Underwater Forests Are Being Eaten by the ‘Cockroaches of the Ocean.’ Another climate change consequence.

Another Report Shows That FOSTA Increased (Not Decreased) Sex Trafficking; Where Is The Outrage? People care far, far more about symbolic moves (and mood affiliation/performative virtue) rather than effective ones.

Child-care costs in America are getting close to $10,000 per year. A study released Monday calculates the annual average cost to send one kid to day care.

Women in the U.S. Can Now Get Safe Abortions by Mail. The founder of a global abortion-pill provider that has never shipped to the U.S. has quietly started a new service for Americans.

Imaging-based parcellations of the human brain.

Using representational similarity analysis, we found that gender and age information emerged significantly earlier than identity information, followed by a late signature of familiarity. This is one of the reasons I am extremely skeptical of the modern notions of extreme gender fluidity and changeability. (Some, yes, but not the extreme version that you’re punished if you don’t 100% subscribe to today.)

October 22, 2018

Mars could have enough molecular oxygen to support life, and scientists figured out where to find it. Better headline would be to support “aerobic life” as non-aerobic life might already exist on Mars

Insects form the greatest part of animal life on Earth, and almost every other kind of animal depends on them – directly or indirectly.

Why Southeast Asia and Australia’s Coral Reefs Became So Rich in Species.

Marxists against wokeness.

Where Does The Latest Social Media Purge Leave The State Of Social Discourse?

We are surrounded by screens full of voices that are always lying to us, and experts wonder why we’re so crazy and miserable all the time.

Vivaldi 2.0 review: The modern Web browser does not have to be so bland. Vivaldi says about half of all the 2.0 features come from user feedback and suggestions. Imagine that. (Obligatory: Fuck Mozilla and fuck the Firefox developers!)

Collapse of ancient city’s water system may have led to its demise.

Microsoft’s problem isn’t how often it updates Windows—it’s how it develops it. Windows 10 seems like alpha release software, intended only for an internal demo — and has seemed that way since its initial release, with no real improvement.

October 21, 2018

Notes on Landauer’s principle, reversible computation, and Maxwell’s Demon.

The urban-rural divide is the fundamental political divide.

Should I Kill Myself or Have a Cup of Coffee? The Stoics and Existentialists Agree On The Answer.

“Absolute Reality” and the Role of the Ineffable in Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House.

October 17, 2018

Inequality in Silicon Valley is getting worse: Wages are down for everyone but the top 10 percent. In America’s tech capital, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

It will take 3 to 7 million years for mammals to recover the evolutionary diversity that humans have destroyed. That’s more than 10x longer than our species has existed for.

Why New York Has So Many Empty Storefronts.

Hilton Hotels’ Efficiency Tradeoff.

‘Lifeboats’ Amid the World’s Wildfires.

The Measure of Homer.

Sorry, dear millennials, but we may have screwed you for life.

The idea that action against climate change will ‘destroy the economy’ couldn’t be more wrong.

There May Soon Be Three Internets. America’s Won’t Necessarily Be the Best. Humans have the unique capacity to fuck anything up.

Capitalism’s Final Solution Is Nothing Less than Complete Ecological Collapse.

‘Hyperalarming’ study shows massive insect loss. Killing everything is not going to be a long-term successful strategy for us, no matter what the anti-science right or the clueless left believes.

Is Antagonistic Pleiotropy Ubiquitous in Aging Biology?

Fired Up by Morality: The Unique Physiological Response Tied to Moral Conviction in Politics.

ExxonMobil CEO Depressed After Realizing Earth Could End Before They Finish Extracting All The Oil.

Vasquez Always Dies.

None of the major technological transformations of the 19th and 20th centuries were the product of the private sector acting alone and responding only to the market.

Fiscal Dishonesty from CNBC and Our Treasury Secretary.

Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene.

The Google Pixel 3 Is A Very Good Phone. But Maybe Phones Have Gone Too Far. They have. In some ways, worse than opioids.

October 16, 2018

Obama’s policy on Bush’s crimes is how Kavanaugh got to the Supreme Court.

Why #Resistance TV shows are so hard to watch.

It’s Already Here.

What Happened to the Night Children?

‘Do Not Track’ Privacy Tool Doesn’t Do Anything.

A roadmap to agriculture that’s sustainable and climate-neutral. No one will say it, but the only real option is fewer people. Many fewer. We’ll get that — the hard way or the easy way. Probably the hard way.

What the Left Misses About Nationalism. The perception of a common national identity is essential to democracies and to the modern welfare state. 100% correct.

Housing Market Is Raising Serious Red Flags. Decline was inevitable, even though it “could never happen again.”

Why we should lose the words “pedestrian” and “cyclist.”

October 15, 2018

Men Have Been Telling Women to Shut Up for at Least 3,000 Years. Well, we got it half right.

The left mob.

As a visit to any local library or magazine rack will easily confirm, there are now so many more than two cultures that the problem has really become how to find the time to read anything outside one’s own specialty. This is Pynchon from 1984. The world is now at least 100x more complex. Cognitive inequality is a real concern in such a world.

Hello! May I Assist You in Taking on a Lifetime of Debt?

The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime.

A True Story.

How the Deep State made Commander Kavanaugh — an intersectional analysis.

Insulin sensitivity was cut in half after 10 days of no exercise. (Frequent exercise helps prevent or even reverse diabetes.)

October 14, 2018

Is Chronic Anxiety a Learning Disorder?

Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture. Youth isn’t a good proxy for support of political correctness, and race isn’t either. PC culture, even for the things it gets right, is extremely stifling and restrictive and absolutely no fun even for the people it’s “protecting.”

How to Write About a Vanishing World. Scientists chronicling ecological destruction must confront the loss of their life’s work and our planet’s riches.

High Self-esteem Is Not Always What It’s Cracked Up To Be.

Why US public transportation is so bad — and why Americans don’t care.

We Need an Ecological Civilization Before It’s Too Late. We also need about 6 billion fewer people. Neither one is likely.

Tech suffers from lack of humanities, says Mozilla head. Whoa, someone from Mozilla said something intelligent? Huh. But she is 100% right.

Marvel Fires Star Wars Author For Bad Reasons. Told you the censorship train would crash into the left much harder than the right. Why? Because the left is a threat to corporate profits, and the right is not.

Obesity rates in OECD countries.

Does using models really make economics a science?​

Elon Musk Wants Tesla Gigafactory Employees to Live on Site in Mobile Homes. When will he issue company scrip and start playing “Sixteen Tons” over the loudspeakers?


Hidden algorithms could already be helping compute your fate.

Water Service Provision and Peacebuilding in East Timor: Exploring the Socioecological Determinants for Sustaining Peace.

On Cash.

America, From Sears To Google (Or Why Silicon Valley Is Set Up For “The Mother Of All Government Smack-Downs.”)

In Defense of Politicizing Hurricanes.

October 13, 2018

The Case for Climate Pessimism. My best guess is we’ll do nothing for the next 20 years, things will get quite bad, then we’ll try geoengineering out of desperation and 5-6 billion people will die as a result of all of it.

Why Catastrophic Climate Change is Probably Inevitable Now. How Capitalism Torched the Planet by Imploding Into Fascism.

Cancer is so expensive to treat that 42% of patients deplete their entire life’s assets to afford treatment within the first 2 years, according to a new study. In the US. In the rest of the world, not so much.

Contrary to a lot of guilt-tripping pleas for us all to take the bus more often to save the world, your individual choices are probably doing very little to the world’s climate.